All images not personally owned are public domain or Creative Commons


Owners' And Fans

Banner Image

Female Cyborg by Tony Tran via Flickr

License : Some rights reserved by trantt28

Reblog Content

I will do my best to track down the original poster for these and also show the linage of my source. These will be marked as not original content clearly.


I do not receive anything for my reviews at this point. If that changes my readers will know on a post by post basis. I do reviews because I am trying to learn the apparently dying artform of the written review

Fan Fiction

Fanfiction is a very conterversial artform. As the universes I am playing in have apperently ended. And I am not making any money in the process. My Fanworks are personal practice in novel writing. It is also me playing in someone else's sandbox, sometimes I bring my own sand too.