Here lays the Sidetray

Try as it may
Found wanting

Dyson built a lamp that burns for 37 years thanks to satellite tech

Dyson built a lamp that burns for 37 years thanks to satellite tech


Dyson has put its know-how to use improvingvacuumsfans and more. Looking to tackle lighting woes, the British company built the CSYS line of lamps that'll burn bright for 37 years. Using Heat Pipe technology, the lamp uses a system similar to what's found on satellites to keep eight LEDs cool and prolongs their life. The heat is pulled away from the bulbs and directed through an aluminum heat sink that spans the length of the lamp's shaft. Each of those LEDs sits in a conical reflector to cut down on glare and added eye strain

Why Joseph Gordon-Levitt's next comic book movie is taking so long

Why Joseph Gordon-Levitt's next comic book movie is taking so long

UN peacekeepers buy sex with cellphones, TVs: report

UN peacekeepers buy sex with cellphones, TVs: report

Creative Commons License
Eyes of Silverbreeze by Tomasz S Suchecki aka Puck Silverbreeze is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.