Here lays the Sidetray

Try as it may
Found wanting

10 Great TV Shows You're Not Watching

10 Great TV Shows You're Not Watching

"Reading Rainbow"
Sometimes the pressure of watching a serialized drama or a high-tech procedural can raise our blood pressure to unwanted levels. That's when it's time to sit back, tap open a carton of Juicy Juice, and let LeVar Burton serenade you about the virtues of advanced phonics. The whole first season from 1985 is available on Netflix - a nostalgia classic if there ever was one.

New Pilot Vanishing Point - Twilight LE

New Pilot Vanishing Point - Twilight LE

The Freakishness of Christianity

The Freakishness of Christianity

Creative Commons License
Eyes of Silverbreeze by Tomasz S Suchecki aka Puck Silverbreeze is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.